Understanding the causes of Silent Heart Attack by Aditi Jagtap Pune



Ram Mangal Hospital was established in Pune in the year 2014. With the aim that they can protect human life from these unwanted attacks and encourage their patients to live a healthy lifestyle.

The heart specialist hospital in Pune is renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and experts in cardiac care. The hospital offers comprehensive cardiac services ranging from diagnostics to complex surgeries. Patients receive specialized care, are treated with creative techniques, and get compassionate aid, ensuring the best possible outcomes for heart-related conditions.


CAUSES:Symptoms, risks, diagnosis, treatment reference

Heart attacks, also known as myocardial infarction, often conjure images of severe chest pain and distress. However, not all heart attacks present themselves so visibly. Silent heart attacks, as the name suggests, occur without the typical, surprising symptoms, making them challenging to notice and potentially more risky According to Dr Ranjit Jagtap’s daughter, Aditi Jagtap Pune.

What Causes a Silent Heart Attack:

A silent heart attack gives an ordinary situation the shape of regular attacks

They often arise from a buildup of plaque in the coronary artery, leading to decreased blood flow to the heart.

This can result from conditions such as atherosclerosis, where fatty deposits accumulate in the arteries, or from blood clots that block the flow of blood to the heart strength.


The classic symptoms of heart attack are;

Chest pain or distress — Silent heart attack manifests with subtle signs Some of them might experience mild shortness of breath, discomfort, and high fatigue and some of them have no symptoms.Attributing these phenomena to further less painful situations.

Nausea and Vomiting: While sleeping an individual feels heart pulses. And start nausea and vomiting. And may start sweating even though they didn’t do some physical activities. These symptoms are commonly ignored by an individual. These symptoms may look normal but are too harmful for an individual and you should consult a doctor or a clinic: Dr Ranjit Jagtap daughter.


There are various high risks of silent heart attack that you should be able to recognize. These include:

Hypertension, diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol, inactive lifestyle and family background heart attack problem. Additionally, age and gender play an important role in this

Many older people, especially men, face higher risks.

Know More :- Aditi Jagtap Pune

Dr Ranjit Jagtap Daughter suggests:

  • Avoid Junk food.
  • Avoid Alcohol and smoking if you are addicted.
  • Avoid Inactivity
  • Avoid taking stress
  • Avoid isolating

Live a healthy lifestyle so that your body becomes more protective against heart attacks.


Blood tests:Doctors may investigate blood samples to scan for specific enzymes or proteins (such as troponin) released into the bloodstream when heart muscle cells are harmed. High levels of these markers might imply a heart attack, even if no symptoms were encountered.

Imaging tests:Procedures like echocardiography (ultrasound imaging), MRI, or CT scans can feed detailed images of the heart, revealing areas of damage or decreased blood flow, and predicting a prior heart attack.

Stress tests:These tests monitor the heart’s function during physical activity to evaluate its performance and detect any irregularities that might imply an earlier heart attack.


Combining these diagnostic tools and conducting a thorough medical record check and identify and confirm the happening of a silent heart attack, they initiate proper treatments and probable happening.

Regular health check-ups play a vital role in seeing such silent events early, decreasing the risk of other difficulties.

Once the symptoms are recognised you should consult the clinic or a hospital so that there are no delays. The symptoms of a silent heart attack may seem familiar with other diseases but you should take professional advice to spot the major problem. You can consult Dr Ranjit Jagtap who is a heart specialist today for a heart checkup.


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